The First Lady, Madam Gertrude Mutharika through her newly launched Beatify Malawi Trust (BEAM) on Wednesday went to clean some of the streets and townships of Lilongwe.

Speaking after the sweeping and collection of refuse exercise at Bwandilo Market in Area 47, and at Area 18 (A and B), Madam Mutharika called upon Malawians to work together to ensure that every place remained clean.

Mutharika through trust donated two refuse bins to Bwandilo Market and another two and a wheel barrow to Area 18 A Market.

“We will not only clean residential areas, but we will also go in hospitals and schools. We want to make sure that patients are treated in a clean environment and school children are taught how to manage waste,” She said.

She further said it is sad to see children in communities playing with waste such as condoms which are not properly discarded after use.

On his part, Lilongwe City Mayor, Willie Chapondela said his office would work together with BEAM Trust to make sure that the city was clean, pointing out that what his council wanted to do was what the trust was doing.

Earlier in his speech, Council for Non-Governmental Organization in Malawi (CONGOMA) Vice Chairperson, Maxwell Matewere, said his organization would also help to spread the BEAM Trust’s message about the need for Malawians to keep the nation clean.

This is the second exercise to be carried by the trust since it was launched.

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