The High Court in Lilongwe has released on bail former Budget Director Mr. Paul Mphwiyo who was arrested by the Ant-Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Saturday along with his wife Thandizo.

Mphwiyo is being accused of Money laundering amounting and theft in the plundering of public funds dubbed cashgate which led to donor aid suspension.

Some of the bail conditions imposed on Mphwiyo include a K10 million bond in cash plus his Area 43 sprawling residence be under court administration. He had also 3 sureties of MK2,000,000 each.

Mphwiyo is also expected to be reporting to ACB after two weeks every Wednesdays and should be reporting to ACB whenever he is going out of Lilongwe.

He is expected to go for medical attention in accompany of an ACB officer.

The shooting of Mphwiyo on September 13, 2013 at his residence in Lilongwe led to the revelation of the financial scam at Capitol Hill dubbed cashgate by the media.

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