Police in Blantyre are keeping in custody a fake doctor identified as Wongani Akuzike Kandulu who was arrested on Monday at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) while on duty.

According to information gathered by FaceofMalawi from one of the local daily papers [Daily Times of Tuesday 28, 2014], the suspected is reported to have been working for the hospital for some time and he reach to the extent of discharging patient at the hospital.

One of the guardian at the hospital who opted for anonymity reported: “This morning, I saw him talking to patients, writing something in their health passport and then discharging them. I saw almost 10 patients being discharged today. I’m shocked to learn that he is bogus”.

Members of staff who spoke on condition of anonymity as they are not mandated to speak on behalf of the hospital reported that some of them have been missing personal belongings ranging from money, ladies’ hand bags and phones in the past few months.

One of them said some people were suspicious of him within the wards and reported the matter to security who confronted him yesterday and apprehended him.

“When we checked inside his bag, we found a Stethoscope which is only supposed to be kept by doctors. He failed to explain where he got it from. We also found a Sphygmomanometer (BP instrument) which he claimed he took from his nurse girlfriend,” said the source.

The source alleged that after making ward rounds, he used to sneak to nurses’ offices where he allegedly stole various items.

The sources further said Kandulu claimed that he was a College of Medicine trainee.

After he was caught, QECH staff took him to College of Medicine for identification but his name was not found in the system and other identification mechanisms also failed.

Meanwhile Kandulu is in Police custody and he will appear in court soon.

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