By: Hydar Tomar
(Scroll down for video) It was a gorgeous day with sunny skies when suddenly a man dropped out of the sky onto an upscale London, England, street, according to police reports.

Police believe that he was from Africa, probably Angola, but do not know his identity.

The mystery began when residents of a suburban street in the west London suburb of Mortlake, awoke on a quiet Sunday morning, to find the crumpled body of a black man on the sidewalk located at Portman Avenue, near a convenience shop, a luxury lingerie store and a shop offering Chinese medical cures.

Detectives initially believed that the man was the victim of a murder and cordoned off the area. Within a day however, the police concluded that the man was probably already dead when he had fallen to the ground.

An airplane passed over the area and opened its landing gear as it approached the runway at the nearby Heathrow airport.

The apparent stowaway had no identity documents with some currency of Angola, which led to the assumption that the man was from the African nation, especially as investigations showed that a plane from Angola began its descent to Heathrow at the time of the incident

Man Falls From Mid-Flight, Found Dead by GeoBeats

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