On Friday night unknown thugs in Lilongwe broke into the residence of Minister of Energy Mines and Natural Resources, Atupele Muluzi and went away with cash amounting to K30,000 and some assorted item.

The development comes amid general outcry of insecurity in the country as a day cannot pass without hearing or reading a story of robbery in the country.

Lilongwe Police spokesperson Kingsley Dandaula confirmed of the development with the Press, saying robbers entered the house which is situated in Area 9 through a hole they made on the wall of the house.

Dandaula said Muluzi was left unhurt when the robbers found him inside his bedroom when they were searching for variables.

“The thugs did not hurt Muluzi but they just stole the money amounting to K30,000 which was in bundles of K10, 000 and K20, 000 and three phones have been discovered stolen from inside the house”, said Dandaula.

Dandaula said the guards told the police that their hands were tied before the robbers started making a hole into the house wall.

This is not the first time robbers have invaded the most protected area. Earlier this year, thugs invaded the Official residence of Vice President Saulosi Chilima in Blantyre.

As that was not enough,another group of armed robbers hijack and abducted the High Court Judge in the same commercial capital Blantyre.

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