Four people are in Police custody in Ntchisi for allegedly killing a 45-year-old man.

Ntchisi police has confirmed of the incident and identified the suspect as Patson Langitoni 24, Mikaya Katera 24, Damiano Kaputa 29 and Julius Nkhata 36.

According to police, it is believed that on Friday last week the deceased and the suspect left their village for Bua River to catch fish. It is alleged that the deceased had drowned in the river but the suspects agreed to remain quite.

According to the Police, the suspects did not disclosed the news to anyone when they returned home. When asked about the whereabouts of the deceased, the suspects denied to have knowledge.

On Monday this week, the deceased body was discovered floating along Bua River by some fisherman who informed the Police of the incident.

The Police who were accompanied by clinical officer discovered that body had a big opening on the abdominal wall and no heart and liver were found.

Postmortem results conducted at Malomo Health Centre revealed that the deceased died to severe loss of blood.

Meanwhile the suspects will appear in court soon to answer murder charges.

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