Hearing of a case involving one of the well known Businessman, Oswald Lutepo, the prime suspect in the plundering of public funds dubbed Cashgate failed to resume today at Zomba High Court due to the strike by Judicial supporting staff country wide.

The supporting staff are demanding government to effect a 30 percent salary increase as agreed in 2013.

Lutepo is being accused of pocketing $6 million from government coffers through ghost company which did not provide any services to the government.

Today morning, Lutepo accompanied by his Lawyer Oswald Mtupila arrived at Zomba High Court for the case as ordered by Judge Redson Kapindu during previous seating.

But both side involved in the case failed to find the way into the court room due to the strike by the supporting staff who blocked the main entrance.

During the previous seating, Judge Kapindu ordered the release of former President Dr. Joyce Banda made with former budget director Paul Mphwiyo, former deputy inspector general of police Nelson Bophani and former Justice and Constitutional Affairs minister Fahad Assani for fair trial of Lutepo’s case.

Meanwhile it is not yet known as to when the case will resume.

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