Residents of Ng’oma location in Lilongwe are grief stricken following a brutal death of a 34-year-old woman who was allegedly hacked by her husband on suspicions that she was cheating.

The woman, whom the police have identified as Veronica Sinolia Roben, died on Tuesday from deep wounds she sustained from the hacking.

Sources close to the deceased told Malawi News Agency that it all started on Friday, July 3, 2015, when the man, identified by police as Isaac Zimpitira, found Veronica by the roadside chatting with her ex-husband.

Later at home in the evening, Zimpitira allegedly hacked Veronica with an axe on her back and leg and on her private parts, according to sources.

“Nobody knew anything until Saturday evening when the husband tried to take her to hospital on a bicycle taxi but she could not manage to sit upright on the bicycle carrier,” explained one of the sources.

She was then taken to Area 18 Health Centre by car where she was referred to Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) according to the source.

Veronica eventually died on Tuesday and postmortem of her body which was done on Wednesday revealed that she died of an infection that occurred due to the wounds (ulcerative necrotis/cellulites secondary to assault).

Zimpitira has since been arrested and he is charged with murder, contrary to Section 209 of the Penal Code, according to Lilongwe Police spokesperson, Kingsley Dandaula.

Zimpitira hails from Mwenje Village, T/A Kaphuka, Dedza, while the deceased hailed from John Village, T/A Mpando, Ntcheu.mana

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