Balaka magistrate court in eastern district of Malawi has sentenced a 22-year-old man to 23 years imprisonment after finding him guilty for house breaking and theft.

Balaka Police Station Prosecution Officer Inspector Isaac Mponela told the court that the suspect John Bunaya broke into the house of Mrs Gloria Mphwiyo on March 28 and stole a mountain bike and two bags of maize amount to K43, 00

“The suspect also during day time broke into the house of Mrs Ruth Marley at Majiga location, and stole the radio, and assorted clothes,” says Mponela.

Mponela said the same suspect also on 13th April, 2015 during day time at Majiga location, broke into the house of Rachel Jiya and stole a laptop computer, mattress, cooking oil and sugar valued to K320, 000.

He went on to inform the court that Bunaya on May 10, 2015 also broke into the house of William Munthali of Balaka Admarc during day time and stole a digital camera, Nokia Asha cellphone and some groceries all to the total value of K72, 000.

“And on 13th May, 2015 Bunaya again during day time at Majiga location, broke into the house of Mr Daniel Pondani and stole a DVD player, 2 LG speakers, cooking oil and 2 cell phones all valued to K100, 000.00,” said Mponela.

Bunaya pleaded guilty to all the five counts of house breaking and theft.
In their submission State Prosecutors Inspector Isaac Mponela, Sub Inspector Getrude Chingolo Kafumbula and Sergeant Anthony Mtambo asked the court to consider giving the suspect stiffer sentences saying that the suspect is a threat to the society.

They said the suspect is a notorious criminal considering the series of breaking offences he has committed.
They said house breaking and theft is a serious offence which is punishable with death or life imprisonment and therefore asked the court to give the suspect a custodial sentence considering that some of the goods which he stole have not been recovered.

In his mitigation, the suspect John Bunaya asked court for leniency saying that he is still young, a bread winner for his family and that he looks after his aged parents.
Passing judgment on separate occasions Victor Sibu and Maxwell Boaz concurred with the state that John Bunaya is a threat to the society and deserves a stiffer sentence so that it should be a lesson to him and would-be offenders.

John Bunaya hails from Kandengwe village, Traditional Authority Msamala in the same district of Balaka.

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