Concerned citizens in Nkhotatakota are demanding for the immediate transfer of their District Commissioner (DC) Felix Mkandawire and other three officers for alleged mismanagement of Local Development Fund (LDF) amounting to K46 million and abuse of office.

The three include Director of planning and Development, Griffin Mhango, Lands Officer Lester Nyambosi and Intelligence Officer a Mr. Chavinda.

Spokesperson for the group, Reverend Father Dennis Kayamba (retired) said the DC and three officers have denied the people of Nkhotakota the right to development stipulated in the section 30 of the land laws that every person shall have the right to development by misusing the resources.

“We have evidence of an audit report which shows on how our controlling officer used the LDF resources between a very short period from January to June 2015’’, he said.

According to the report, the DC in several occasions authorized subsistence allowances of K80,000 and fuel amounting to K75,000 a day to a single officer for a distance of one kilometer
Sometimes, he said, the DC could authorize dubious activities in construction and supplies just to draw money from three accounts of LDF, locally generated revenue and District Development Fund (DDF).
Father Kayamba further said the citizens are suspicious of Director of Planning and Development, a Mr Mhango who was interdicted in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology while serving as District Education Manager (DEM) in Likoma District

; Our resources are ending up in the wrong hands making our district poor and this is why we are demanding for the immediate transfer for these officers from our district,” he added.
Member of Parliament for Nkhotakota Central, Peter Mazizi said he is equally concerned because most of the projects affected are in his constituency

People in my area will regard me as a person who cannot deliver but initially it is the office of the DC which has paralyzed developments in my constituen he said.So far, the group has petitioned President Peter Mutharika , Vice President, Saulos Chilima and the Ministry of Local Government for action on the concerns

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