While some friends are amazing, some friends can really be a waste of time. It’s time to do away with friends you don’t need in your life.

Below are 15 friends you don’t need in your life

1. You don’t need friends who leave you when you hit a low point in life. You don’t need friends who stay only when you are successful. Good friends stay with you through the thick and thin.

2. You don’t need friends who don’t value you. You need to do away with friends who take you for granted.

3. You don’t need a friend who is always too busy to be with you anytime you need them. A true friend will always create time for you no matter how busy they are.

4. You don’t need friends who never bother checking up on you. If its only you checking on them and they don’t reciprocate, do away with them because they are not friends.

5. You don’t need friends in your life who never bother to visit you when they are free. It’s obvious if you don’t visit them, you don’t get to see them. It’s time to do away with such friends.

6. You don’t need friends who are ashamed to be seen with you. Real friends accept and love you for who you are.

7. You don’t need friends who try to control you all the time. They didn’t give birth to you, they don’t cloth you and they also don’t feed you so that means they have no right to call the shots in your life.

8. You don’t need friends who don’t understand your silence. The true mark of friendship is when you don’t need words to communicate.

9. You don’t need friends you can’t trust. There is no point being friends with someone you can’t trust because you will never be able to be yourself in front of them.

10. You don’t need friends who see you as an option and only want to hang out with you when they have nothing better to do.

11. You don’t need friends who can’t trust you after so many years of loyalty. What else do you need to do before they can trust you?

12. You don’t need friends who can’t forgive you when you wrong them. Every true friend knows no one is perfect.

13. You don’t need a friend who sees you as a competition and gets jealous when you are more successful than them.

14. You don’t need friends who never fulfill promises made. Good friends keep to their words.

15. You don’t need friends who expect you to be all ears when they are feeling low but are never interested in listening to your problems.

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