Government says Malata subsidy programme was stopped due delay in payment of supplies.

Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Paul Chibingu says government has now rectified all challenges relating to the implementation of the Decent and Affordable Housing Subsidy Programme, also known as Cement and Malata Subsidy Programme.

Paul Chibingu, was speaking in Kameme, Chitipa during a visit to some beneficiaries of the programme.
Chibingu says the ministry noted that delivery of building materials to some beneficiaries was halted due to delays in payment of suppliers.

He therefore assured the nation that K1 billion has been made available to settle all unpaid suppliers so that it remains on course.

The minister said to avoid abuse of the system, only suppliers certified by Housing Development Groups will be paid through district councils, who initially identified them.

Chibingu also emphasized the need for Malawians across the political divide to work closely, making the dream a reality. He said nationals in other countries unite to ensure the delivery of national goals and only practice politics in an election year.

Meanwhile Chitipa District Council Chairperson, Osman Kanyika has commended government for living up to its campaign pledge, of helping all impoverished communities across the country get decent accommodation.

Kanyika then asked the ministry to sort out the challenge of having materials dropped at a center, in some cases 35kilometers away from beneficiaries’ homes. He said this is forcing some beneficiaries to sell part of their materials to meet transport costs to their homes.

Chitipa District has 57 housing Development Groups catering for 400 beneficiaries in five constituencies of the district.

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