As debate continues on whether the country should start recognizing same sex marriages as advocated by some activist, CCAP Livingstonia Moderator Rev Douglas Chipofya has asked President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika not to tolerate homosexuality at any cost.

Chipofya made the call on Saturday during the commemoration of the Ngoni Umtheto cultural festival in Mzimba, Hora.

In his speech, Chipofya said homosexuality is evil and can only be done by animals that do not have a culture.

“Homosexuality is evil; it is not part of our culture, hence it should not be tolerated in our country,” he said.

Chipofya advised president Mutharika to follow the stance taken by Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta who strongly criticised homosexuality when US president Barack Obama visited the east African country recently.

Instead of reacting to the call, Mutharika jumped the gun and concentrated on the importance of the invent to the Malawian culture.

Meanwhile Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are in the forefront advocating for gay rights in the country.

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