The country’s Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima has expressed shock over the death of Bright Mangulama who, until his death on Monday, was Commissioner for the Public Service Reforms initiative.

Mungulama who was also chairperson of the Mulhako wa Alhomwe collapsed suddenly and was pronounced dead upon arrival at hospital in Blantyre Monday evening.

In a statement sourced at Malawi News Agency (MANA), Chilima, currently in the UK, said the commission and the country has lost a valuable asset.

” I am greatly saddened by his death. Commissioner Mangulama was one of the outstanding colleagues in the commission and was dedicated in seeing a reformed public service. And his contribution to the Mhlakho wa Ahlomwe will remain for ever,” said Chilima through his spokesperson Pilirani Phiri.

Mangulama hails from from Chiradzulo District.

Burial arrangements are yet to be announced.

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