The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has launched investigation on first and second deputy speakers of the National Assembly for allegedly defrauding the government.

The development comes following the article carried by one of the local daily papers over the Weekend [Weekend Nation] that Esther Mcheka-Chilenje and Clement Chiwaya reside in their own houses but receive allowances for rented houses.

The Paper alleged that Chilenje and Chiwaya are drawing K550,000 per month which is K300,000 more than their required K250,000 per month allowance.

According to the paper, the two cheated the government that they rent the houses they stay in from elsewhere so that each could be carting home K 550,000 every month in housing allowances but investigations revealed that two are residing in their own houses.

ACB deputy director Reyneck Matemba confirmed to have launched investigations on the two in an interview with one of the privately owned radio [Zodiak Broadcasting Station] but denied to give more details on the matter.

Speaker earlier in the week after the news came to light, the two deputy speakers trashed the report and accused Nation Newspaper of fabricating the story .

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