President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has appointed the 6th Cohort of Commissioners to serve in the Malawi Human Rights Commission, effective from 17th August, 2015.

This has been disclosed in a Press Statement circulating on the social media signed by MHRC Executive Secretary, Grace Tikambenji Malera (Mrs.), saying the cohort will be in office for three years in line with section 5(1), of the Human Rights Commission Act, (Chapter 3:08 of the Laws of Malawi).

The names of the appointed Commissioners are as follows:

1. Mr. Baldwin Chiyamwaka;

2. Mr. Justin Kusamba Dzonzi;

3. Mr. Benedicto Kondowe;

4. Mr. Dalitso Kingsley Kubalasa;

5. Mr. Steven Nkoka;

6. Mrs. Bertha Sefu; and,

7. Reverend Patrick Semphere

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