A Secondary School teacher is in Police custody in the Eastern District of Balaka for allegedly defiling a 15-year old pupil.

Balaka police spokesperson Joseph Sauka confirmed of the development in an interview and identified the suspect John Chaopsa, a teacher at Mbela Community Day Secondary School.

According to Sauka, the incident came to light after the suspect met the victim’s parents to propose a hand in marriage for the 15-year-old-girl.

The development raised suspicion to the parents of the victim who took the girl to the hospital where it was discovered that she was pregnant.

After question her, the girl mentioned Chaopsa as the man responsible for the pregnancy a development that made her parents to report the matter to Ulongwe Police Unit who arrested the suspect.

The suspect will appear in court soon to answer charges of defilement contrary to section 138(1) of the penal code.

Chaopsa hails from Kabota village, Sub Traditional Authority Kachenga in Balaka.

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