A-49-year old herbalist is in Police custody in the Northern District of Nkhata-Bay for allegedly defiling two 14 year old girls under the pretext of cleansing them from satanic spirits.

The incident happened over the Weekend.

Nkhata-Bay Police Spokesperson Sergeant Ignatius Esau confirmed of the arrest in an interview with the State broadcaster [MBC 1] and identified the suspect as Chiwandauka Mkandawire.

According to Esau, the suspect told guardians of the victims that the possessing satanic powers and pledged to help remove the powers as he indicated that he had keys to their problem.

Upon convincing the grandmother, the suspect asked if he could take the girls to his house to cleanse them from the said satanic powers.

“While there, the suspect took advantage of the situation and defiled the two girls,” said Esau.

Esau added that the next morning the victims reported the matter to their grandmother who later reported the matter to Police.

Following this the victims were taken to Nkhata-Bay district Hospital where upon being examined, it was revealed that the two girls were indeed defiled.

Esau says the suspect will appear in court soon to answer defilement charges which contradicts to section 138 of the penal code.

Mkandawire hails from Mgomera Gama Village in Mzimba.

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