A 35-year-old woman who landed her dream job at Harvard University and was at the ‘top of her academic game’ left her Boston apartment to live in a small cabin near a remote Canadian island.

Bethany Butzer, who was studying the benefits of yoga for children and teens for Harvard, left her job at the university’s medical school and went to a 130-square-foot cabin near Manitoulin Island.butzer 1

Butzer spent the summer living at the log cabin near Willisville, Ontario, which was only accessible by boat, with her husband and she said she was ‘actually amazed at how content I became’.

The Canadian woman landed the Harvard job after she completed a PhD in psychology at Western University, but she just wasn’t happy with her work or home life, the National Post reported.

She said: ‘I felt that my professional success was flourishing but my personal health and well-being were foundering.

‘It just didn’t really feel satisfying.

‘I just knew that I needed to spend some time outside in nature.

‘I just took the leap.’

She came to the cabin in the woods with only two bags of clothes after selling nearly all of her possessions and Butzer picked blueberries, dodged bears and watched chipmunks play for hours after she arrived.

Butzer said: ‘I would just stare at the trees, watch the sky, go fishing and read.’

She also did a good amount of yoga.

The experience was so positive for Butzer and her husband that they took another risk and moved to Prague in the Czech Republic last week where she will teach psychology at a college and he will work as an artist.

Even though she is no longer at the cabin, Butzer has no regrets about leaving Boston and Harvard to spend some time recuperating from the rat race in her homeland.

She wrote on Facebook: ‘I was scared to take the time off, scared about whether I could afford it, and scared about what others would think of my decision.

‘But my True Self kept urging me to honor my self-care by spending time in nature.

‘So I took the leap.

‘Regardless of whether I go into debt or get behind on work or other people think I’m crazy – it’s worth it.

‘What fearless decisions have you made lately?’

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