In the past years, there have been recorded instances where the service crew would occasionally spit on, or do something nasty to the food before serving it to unaware customers.

The main reason for such acts would be either a hidden hate towards the customer, or the service crew simply want to do something ‘laughable’ and entertain themselves at the expense of others.

Wenzhou, China—this teen waiter seemed to be have woken up at the wrong side of the bed, as he threw a container full of boiling soup over the head of an unaware customer. He then pushed her to the ground, kicking and hitting her. His reason?—the customer apparently asked for soup too many times.

The woman, named Lin, went to a restaurant together with her mother, younger sister, and her 7-month-old baby. According to Lin’s sister, they asked for soup two times. The waiter ignored them when they asked for soup the first time. And when they asked again, the waiter told them to “shut up” and eat whatever’s in the pot.

Lin then posted her dismay regarding the restaurant’s ‘bad service’ on China’s social media site Weibo. A few minutes after, the waiter came out, and poured boiling soup over Lin’s head.

Lin had second to third degree burns on 42% of her body. Most of the burns were to her face, neck, and back.

The restaurant has covered all of Lin’s medical fees, but the family says they are still suing the restaurant and the teenaged server.

Allegedly, when the server was arrested, he was still smiling.

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