Anthony Mphatso aged 41 is in police custody for allegedly attempting to bribe a court magistrate.

Mphatso has been charged with Official Corruption contrary to Section 90 (b) of the Penal Code.

He is alleged to have wanted to bribe Alex Kamtiki, First Grade Magistrate at Salima Magistrates Court.

The suspect is said to have offered Kamtiki money amounting to K40, 000.00 to influence a ruling in a land dispute case the magistrate is handling.

On 28 August, 2015 the suspect approached Mr. Alex Kamtiki, 58, and wanted to bribe him with money. The Magistrate is handling a land case between the suspect and Mr. Swagy Jordan, explained National police Public Relations Officer, Rhoda Manjolo.

Jordan dragged Mphatso to court for encroaching on his commercial plot at Nsangu Trading centre in the district, and the case was to be held on 31 August, 2015.

Before the said date the suspect went to the home of the magistrate and offered him money so that he rules the case in his favour. The magistrate reported the matter to police who arrested the suspect, Manjolo added.

Mphatso hails from Thawani village, T/A Maganga in the district.

According to Chapter 10 of the Penal Code (Corruption and the abuse of office), Official Corruption offence attracts a three-year jail term.


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