President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika will return home on Sunday 13 September, 2015 from Dalian- China where he went to attend this year’s Global Economic Forum (GEF).

According to the statement, the plane carrying Mutharika is expected to arrive at Kamuzu International Airport at 9 O’clock in the Morning.

While in China, Mutharika held bilateral talks with the People’s Republic of China Prime Minister, Li Keqiang at the state owned Bangchui Island Hotel in Dalian Municipal Liaoning Province and the prime Minister offered to Malawi MK17 billion grants to help in stepping up security in the country by other things procuring 100 vehicles for Police officers.

Mutharika also had an audience with Huawei Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Xu Wenwei who promised to offer ICT Scholarships to Malawians to study in China’s top Universities.

President Mutharika was also one of the speakers during a Televised Session cast live on CNBC-Africa of South Africa which was part of the World Economic Forum summit dubbed ‘Annual Meeting of the new Champions’.

In his speech, Mutharika said his government has stepped up efforts aimed at transforming the country into a more skilled and export oriented economy within five years.

“I think China had been very pragmatic in its approach by focusing on rural development; we are doing the same in Malawi. We have decided to take a massive training approach for the youth in rural areas we are moving social amenities such as schools and hospitals to rural areas where most people are; we give them skills training right there.

“As in my case, I want in five years from now people should say we are better off than we were before. I want a society where people are happier than they were before; people with better incomes, good houses, good roads and better services,” Mutharika said.

Asked as to whether China’s economic woes can have influence on Malawi, Mutharika observed that economic challenges facing China would have negative impact on Malawi.

“China is crucial partner to Malawi since 2008, they have been supporting us in a number of areas such as irrigation and infrastructure development, it is also a free trade area for over 400 products,” said Mutharika.

World Economic Forum is a platform that brings together World leaders ranging from political to business to discuss challenges facing trade and investment across the Global.

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