Police have destroyed a field of Indian hemp (chamba) which was planted inside Nkhotakota Game Reserve along Likowa River.

The action was done in collaboration with Nkhotakota Game Officer around 12: hours.

According to Nkhotakota Criminal Investigation Officer, Assistant Superintendent Kadzandira, the officers uprooted about 3 acres of chamba and burned it. Kadzandira further said in the process they also discovered some areas with large fields of chamba along the same Likowa River.

Kadzandira said the areas are Mwalawamphasa, Kanjedza 1, Kanjedza 2, and Kanjedza 3. Likowa River is found in Nkhotakota Game Reserve between Traditional Authority Mwansambo and Traditional Authority Mwadzama in Nkhotakota district. The police is yet to take an action on the newly discovered field of chamba in mentioned areas.

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