A 20 year old boy  hanged himself, after his parents declined to his wishes of changing schools from Nsaru to Chinsapo about 40 kilometers away from Lilongwe City, on grounds that such an exercise is both unreasonable and costly.

Lilongwe police publicist Kingsly Dandaula confirmed of the development and identified the deceased as joseph kanjuchi who hails from Mawanga village Traditional Authority Kabudula in Lilongwe.

Dandaula explained that Joseph Kanjuchi, had suggested to is parents that in the next school season, he would like to learn at Chinsapo CDSS on account that a chance for him to be selected to University was high unlike at the remotely situated Nsaru CDSS.

However, the request immediately met with stiff resistance from the parents, arguing that such a belief wasn’t true. This did not go down well with the deceased hence the suicide.



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