President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika is expected to arrive in the country on Saturday, October 3, 2015 from New York where he is attending the United Nations General Assembly Summit.

His trip attracted criticism from all corners as it is reported that he travelled with over 115 delegates, blowing money amounting to over MK300 million.

But the Minister of Information Jappie Mhango trashed this report, saying all the delegates were sponsored by the United Nation.

Two days ago media reports indicated that Mutharika abandoned the expensive hotel for a cheaper one.

According to information at hand, officials at the Malawi Embassy in New York had booked the President at the luxurious five-star Waldof Astoria Hotel in New York, but upon learning about the cost, Mutharika shunned the hotel and opted for Hilton hotel in the same city.

According to Nation Newspaper reports, rates at Waldorf Astoria Hotel range from $469 (K267 330) to $560 (K319 200) per day while at New York Hilton Midtown; the cheapest room is at $199 (K113 430) per day.

Turning to the summit, the President lectured the Members of the Council on Foreign Relations on the topic :Democratization and Self-Reliance in Africa: The case of Malawi.

Mutharika also addressed the Africa Investors’ Forum at Thomson Reuters, attended and addressed the United Nations General Assembly Summit for the adoption of the Post 2015 Development Agenda and held multilateral and bilateral talks with many world leaders including the Executive Director of the Global Fund Dr Mark Dybul and the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon.

Meanwhile Mutharika’s press office says details of his arrival time will be communicated later.

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