As journalists in the country continues to press for Access to Information Bill, the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Malawi has named the Road Traffic Directorate as the most secretive government institution.

This has been disclosed in a recent report released by MISA Malawi analyzing how government institutions have fared in the year in terms of information.

MISA Malawi Chairperson Thom Nkhanje said journalists in the country find it had to access information from the Directorate for public consumption.

Nkhanje cited things like lack of Public Relations Department and lack of websites as one of the hindrances.

The research has also named Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) as the most open organization, maintaining the same position consecutively from last year.

The research has also labeled Blantyre City Council (BCC) as the most improved department in terms of information dissemination erasing the previous label of being the secretive department.

Meanwhile Nkhanje as urged all government departments to open up.

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