Media Institute for Southern Africa (MISA) Malawi chapter has expressed shock over President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika’s decision of not calling for the Press conference to address Malawians on issues surrounding his trip to the United Nation General Assembly (UNGA).

Mutharika arrived in the country on Sunday from New York, United States of America through Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) in Lilongwe.

As per tradition President Mutharika only took one question from Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC 1) and he promised to hold a Press conference within a space of two-days at Kamuzu Palace in the capital but since then no media house in the country has received an invitation from State House, stimulating rumours that Mutharika is not ready to face the press.

Speaking during Good morning Malawi programme aired at a privately owned media house (MIJ FM) this morning, MISA Malawi Chairperson Thom Khanje expressed shock on the silence, saying Malawians want Mutharika to come one the open and explains to Malawians what transpired on the trip.

Khanje said the silence by the President is creating a room for Malawians to speculate a lot of things on the trip.

Reacting to Nkhanje’s call, State House Press Officer Gerald Viola said the President does not want to be pushed to media, saying if time comes he will address the Press.

“A press briefing will be there whether in Lilongwe or Blantyre and a chance will be given to ask questions” said Viola.

Meanwhile Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have demanded a truthful information on the trip.

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