Controversial Malawian Pastor based in South Africa, Pastor Hastings Salanje has said burning desires to commit adultery is the force which is driving many born again Christians, Bishops, pastors, Prophets and etc to file for divorce today.

Salanje’s remarks come amid growing reports that many Christians both local and international are the ones in the forefront to file for divorce than those people who live in the secular world.

Writing on his official Facebook page, Salanje, founder of God Chapel International Church in Johannesburg said it’s a well-known fact that many Christians file for divorce than non-Christians.

“Many Christians and men of God feel that their partner is not good enough to be their wife or husband, they feel that may be they could get a better person than their partner, or maybe there is some one around the corner and they feel that that person is much better than their partner.

“Some of them they’re falling in love with another person and they know that if they can sleep with that person God is going to punish them, there can be many reasons but if you can seat down and think properly you will see that the real hidden agenda is to change the partner due to burning desires for adultery,” wrote Salanje.

Salanje said many people look for mistakes from their current partner so that they can file for divorce, but while the real reason is not that. They want to make their adultery clean before God and people.

“But am here today to tell you that you can fool people but not God, you better put your record right, God knows what is deep down of your heart.

“Because if the force for your divorce is the problem only, tell me where are you going to get the angel in this world to marry? If the answer is no, then the problem is not your driving force for divorce but burning desires to commit adultery, only that you want to justify it by divorcing one and get another one. What a clever world we are living in,” said Salanje.

He added: “Many families are stagnant today because of that, 90 percent of marriages today are not in peace, people are staying together but truly inside are not together, it’s ether they have already filed for divorce or the marriage is at the vague of collapsing. Every day is ” am going to divorce you “.
But let’s put the record straight here, you better put aside that childish thinking and move on with your life, plan for your success than wasting your time with planning for divorce.”

Divorce delays success, check most of the successful people today are the people who choose to live above family problems, the devil will always use your family problems to delay your success, the devil knows that you have few years to live therefore he is trying his best to delay every thing so that you can be frustrated.

Salanje added that the greatest weapon of Satan is delay.

“If you are a man, remember that your wife will not be the excuse for your failure.

“Many people we are busy checking if our partner is faithful than checking what we can do to be faithful to our partners,” said Salanje

He added: “Be the angel which you would want your partner to be, and there some of you you are not yet married just because you are waiting for an angel to come from heaven and marry you, ooh friend you better wake up, because he/ she will not come. Get married and develop one another to be the angels you would want to be in your marriage .”

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