Police in Blantyre are looking for unknown criminals that allegedly killed 75-year-old, Lawrence Kandulu.

Blantyre Police Assistant Public Relations Officer, Andrew Mayawo said the late Kandulu was staying alone in a hut built away from his relative’s houses in Solomon Village, Traditional Authority Somba in Blantyre.

Mayawo said on the morning of Friday, some villagers found the dead body at his home as they went there to check on him since he had not appeared on that day.

“He had blood oozing from the nose but there was no sign of a wound which made them suspect foul play on the death.

“The matter was reported to Milare Police by the villagers and later police visited the scene and took the body to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) for postmortem,” said Mayawo.

Mayawo further said the postmortem results released on Saturday indicated that Kandulu died as a result of suffocation due to strangulation.

According to Mayawo, police have already opened a murder file saying the yet to be identified suspect will be charged with murder contrary to section 209 of the Penal code.

Meanwhile police have launched a manhunt and are urging everyone with information that may lead to the arrest of the suspects to come forward and inform the police.mana

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