Opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has demanded speedy investigation on the gruesome murder of Director of Corporate Services at the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Issa Njauju.

Chakwera said this on Monday afternoon when he was reacting to the State of the national address by President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika delivered in parliament during the official opening of the 46th session on Friday last week.

In his speech, Chakwera trashed the statistic said by Mutharika that security is improving in the country, saying the statement does not reflect the situation on the ground.

Chakwera said is a well-known fact that thugs armed with pangas are terrorizing Malawians in their homes.

“The number of reports of rape, defilement, abduction and killing of albinos, and killing of police in the line of duty has been on the rise. Even houses of diplomats are being broken into by robbers!

“If the Government is incapable of protecting its citizens, can they at least give us an answer to this simple question: Why are you doing nothing to investigate the murder of a senior Anti-Corruption Bureau officer, late Issa Njauju?” wondered Chakwera.

He added: “From the day of the murder until now, the Government has taken a casual approach to the investigation just as it has done with Chasowa murder. Why should it be the opposition, the British High Commissioner, and other members of the diplomatic corps who push for a thorough investigation when the President has the entire police service at his command?”

Chakwera also questioned the response given by the President when was asked about what is being done about Issa Njauju’s death.

“If you are admitting that our problems are too complicated for you to solve, then why are you clinging to the office you hold?

“Mr Speaker Sir, the ACB like other constitutional governance institutions need not only to operate independent from the executive, but also in a safe and secure environment. When officers are kidnapped, brutally murdered and burnt…that is not just a precious soul lost, but justice denied,” said Chakwera.

Chakwera then urged the President step up security in the country that of the officials at ACB.

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