Most of the men still think that eating meat can help them increase their manliness. But surprisingly, plant based diet proves to be more healthy when you consume it in the right way without missing proteins and other nutrients.

There are some serious advantages if one consumes more of raw fruits and vegetables whether it is inside or outside the bedroom. Now, let us take a serious look at the benefits of eating plant based foods for men..

Benefit #1 If some reports are to be believed, vegetarian men and vegan men are said to have 10% higher Testosterone levels compared to meat eating men

Benefit #2 In a recent study, women reported that Vegetarian men felt more pleasant on bed as they smelled differently compared to meat eating men. This enhanced the women’s experince.

Benefit #3 A study claims that vegan men can effortlessly maintain healthy body weight compared to meat eaters. This gives them an edge in the bedroom.

Benefit #4 A man who consumes vegan diet enjoys glowing skin. This tuns on women and also helps the man score well.

Benefit #5 A study claims that the percentage of vegan men suffering from erectile dysfunction is far lesser than the percentage of meat eating men.

Benefit #6 Some fruits and vegetables enhance the circulation of blood to private parts. This is something that favours vegan men.

Benefit #7 The mind has its own role in romance. A vegan diet helps you with a clear mind. This can enhance bed life in unexpected ways.

Benefit #8 A man who is on vegan diet tends to feel more energetic. This can surely help him perform well in bed.

Benefit #9 Vegan diet slows down the ageing process. This can enhance the the overall performance and satisfaction in bed life.

Benefit #10 As vegan diet enhances the quality of sleep, your libido tends to be in healthy levels. This helps you do well in bed.

If you wish to tell us about more benefits, please do share them with us.