PHOTOS: Minister Caught Red-Handed With Swazi King’s Wife In Hotel


Remember the Swaziland King Mswati III who chooses a wife annually after testing the virginity status of topless dancing girls ?

There was a scandal that rocked the Swazi palace. It involved his twelfth wife, Queen LaDube, formerly Nothando Dube, who was caught in a hotel room with King Mswati III’s childhood friend, Ndumiso C. Mamba, who was also a minister of Justice in Swaziland.
After the embarrassing story went viral, the photos were banned from Swaziland press but South African press had got a good grab and wouldn’t let go.

In order to avoid being caught, the 22 year old 12th wife LaDube often sneaked out of the palace dressed in military uniform, pretending to be a soldier to meet with her lover who himself is also married.

According to reports, dozens of investigative state security agents who were monitoring the affair, stormed the Royal Villas where the couple had their ”love nest”. The Royal Villas is a luxury hotel owned by King Mswati III about 10 km west of his Lozitha Palace.
Mamba who caught the wind of an imminent danger, cut through the base of the bed and slipped under with the speed of a lightening in order to evade arrest and possible grave consequences of being caught.
But, he couldn’t get away. Security officials fished him out of his hideout and immediately arrested him.
After the affair was exposed, Mamba who was accused of extravagant spending on foreign journeys, resigned from the ministry .

Mamba,who was reportedly,  charged with “trespassing into another man’s home” was placed under house arrest and nothing has been heard about him since. There are reports that he was exiled from the kingdom.
On her own part, the queen was reportedly placed on 24-hour watch and made to live with the king’s mother, until she or her husband dies.
According to the South African Press Association, a palace source, whose identity remained undisclosed said, “For many months, the inkhosikati [queen] would dress in an army uniform whenever the king was not around.
“She allegedly got into her room and changed into her uniform and walked straight to the gate and no one bothered to ask where was this soldier going. In no time a car was there to pick the ‘officer’ up and whisked her to Royal Villas.”


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