As the media across the country continue to Press for the tabling of the much awaited Access to Information Bill, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) regime seems not committed in bringing the bill to Parliament for discussion.

DPP’s lack of commitment on the bill was seen on Tuesday in the August House as the Bill was not appearing on the Order Paper.

The development prompted Member of Parliament for Lilongwe Msozi South Vitus Dzoole Mwale to question government as to whether the bill will be discussed in Parliament as promised by President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika during the official opening of the August House.

“The most important Bill is not on the Order Paper. Is there any commitment from government [to have this Bill passed in this meeting]? It is out of order because the Bill is not appearing here [On the order Paper],” Dzoole Mwale said.

Instead of giving a chance to the government side to respond to the query, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Esther Mcheka Chilenje, ruled Dzoole Mwale out of order.

Chilenje argued that the opposition has no powers to determine on which bill to be brought to Parliament.

“This is government business. Government determines the order of business. Maybe it may come today or tomorrow or any other day,” she said.

The Order Paper Dzoole Mwale cited has six new bills. These include Bill No. 15 of 2015 Southern Africa Development Association (Southern Africa Trade and Transport Facilitation Phase 2) Loan (Authorisation), Bill No. 23 of 2015: Credit Reference Bureau (Amendment) and Bill No. 22 of 2015: Payment System.

Other bills appearing on the paper are Bill No. 6 of 2015: Malawi Institute of Procurement and Supply, Bill No: 11 of 2015: Electronic Transactions and Bill No. 24 of 2015: Communication.

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