As the rainy seasons begins, President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has ordered for national wide Interdenominational prayers for good rains and harvest to be held mid-December.

This has been disclosed in a Press statement from the Minister of Information and Civic Education Jappie Mhango made available to FaceofMalawi.

“The President urges us to humble ourselves and pray to God wherever we are. We are all being called to commit our souls and time to this important national cause,” said Mhango in a statement.

According to Mhango, Mutharika will lead a National Day of Interdenominational Prayers for Good Rains and Harvest to take place at date to be announced.

“President Peter Mutharika believes that we all need to “seek the peace and prosperity of the land to which we live… pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers you too will prosper” (Jeremiah 29:7, NIV).

“The President therefore calls our attention to God’s command that “If my people that are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land” (2nd Chronicles 7:14, NIV),” said Mhango.

He added: As Malawians, we are a God fearing people who realise that there are divine powers that ultimately determine our existence and wellbeing beyond our control. Our year to year harvest, survival and prosperity also depend on good seasons which no human controls. Our memories and tears are still fresh as we think of how our nation was confounded and overwhelmed by destructive rains and floods at the beginning of the year 2015. This was followed by drought in many parts of the country. Above all, it has been our long tradition of praying to God in times of need.”

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