Women are usually sensitive to a man’s touch; especially when he’s that special someone. Touch can sometimes pass messages that even words can’t. The same way a woman can show her man love with her touch is also same way a man can show a lady love with his touch.

A man can use just a simple touch to show his lady that he actually cares.

The following are just simple ways a man’s touch can show love:


Holding hands signify friendship, and a relationship shouldn’t only be about love; when friendship is added to that love then it makes for a wonderful combination. Also, holding hands when out with your partner would help instil confidence in her that you truly value her. Holding hands is a form of PDA, and most men don’t show PDA except they truly care about you.


When at home or out at the movies with your special someone, placing your hands across your lady could pass several messages; it passes a message of care, that you’re also comfortable being with her; it also passes a message of being protective, and most women love that feeling of being with a man who ‘got her’.


Cuddling often is a very sensitive way of showing love to your lady with just your touch. Cuddling helps increase the bond between couples; cuddling could also trigger the release of the hormone, oxytocin. Most women love to cuddle, especially after sex but most men don’t see the need. Cuddling is a very important way of showing your lady love; it builds love, intimacy, romance and bond, which are all essential in a relationship.


This is also another subtle way of showing care with just a touch. Maintaining eye contact with her while gently rubbing her cheek or her hair is a romantic gesture that would make her feel loved and appreciated; it would also pass a message that you are attracted to her. This gesture could even lead to more intimate things like a kiss.

A touch can be a silent message that could mean a lot; sometimes a touch could even pass a message that words can’t. It’s important for every man to know how to show his lady love with just a simple touch.

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