Oscar Pistorius will stay out of jail at least until he returns to court on 18 April 2016 after Judge Aubrey Ledwaba agreed that he should remain on bail, despite his fresh conviction for the murder of Reeva Steenkamp.

Bail was set at just 10,000 rand (less than £500), payable by Friday, after the defence said Pistorius had no money left.

Ledwaba said it would not be in the interests of justice to restrict Pistorius to house arrest at his uncle’s Pretoria home for 24 hours a day, as the state had requested, so allowed him to keep his current freedom to leave the house between 7am and midday every day.

He will be electronically tagged, and must keep within a 20km radius of the house and surrender his passport.

We also learned that the defence will submit an appeal to the constitutional court against the murder conviction.

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