One person is reported dead while 26 others are receiving treatment following the outbreak of Cholera that has hit some parts of Machinga and Zomba Districts.

Ministry of Health Secretary Dr. Mcphil Magwira confirmed of the development in a statement made available to FaceofMalawi.

According to Magwila, by 25th December, 2015, Machinga district reported a cumulative total of 19 cholera cases and one death while Zomba district had reported 7 cholera cases and no death.

He said all the cholera cases are from Lake Chilwa area.

“We call upon every person that they should go to the nearest hospital or health facility early if they get sick or develop diarrhea,” reads in part the statement.

He said the ministry is doing everything possible to control the cholera outbreak.

“Health workers in all the health facilities are ready to help and treat any member of the community.

“Medical supplies for cholera treatment are available in all health facilities. Chlorine for water treatment is also being distributed in the communities by Health Surveillance Assistants,” he said.

Cholera can be prevented by: proper use of latrines; washing hands with soap after visiting the toilet, before handling food, before eating food and after changing babies nappies; drinking or using safe treated water (or boiled water) all the time and practising food hygiene.

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