Rumphi East Member of Parliament Kamlepo Kalua has been appointed as opposition People’s Party (PP) third vice-president for the northern region.

PP Publicity Secretary Ken Msonda has confirmed of the appointment in an interview with the press, saying the appointment is with effect from January 4, 2016.

Msonda said Kalua’s appointment was done by the interim President Uladi Mussa.

He said Mussa consulted the Party’s founder Dr. Joyce Banda who is currently in self-imposed exile before appointing Kalua.

Kalua, popularly known as the foot-soldier is well known for his brevity to take on Heads of States and ruling governments on issues of national interest.

Recently he forced the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) regime under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika to defend the purchase of luxurious vehicle called motor home at a price of MK150 million despite the economic downturn.

State House accepted the purchase of the vehicle but denied the price tagged to it, saying the actual price of the vehicle is MK65 million.

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