Reverend Maurice Munthali of the CCAP of Livingstonia has joined the war against the glorification of gay rights in the country, saying same sex marriages is against God’s teachings and should not be tolerated.

Munthali’s remakes comes barely days after opposition People’s Party (PP) Spokesperson Ken Msonda issued a stern statement on the matter, saying gays are worse than dogs and they are supposed to be killed.

Writing on his official Facebook page, Munthali said Malawi is a God fearing nation which does not tolerate this malpractice.

“If all what we regard as human rights were in compliance with God’s will, some of us would have taught our brains to embrace them wholesome. But what we all clearly know is that God has not given humans all the freedom to do what they feel like doing.

“One such thing that God hates and will ever regard as an abomination is homosexuality! This is why we must never succumb to any statute laid down by carnal & sinful man (of this sinful planet), whether national or international in nature, at the expence of our moral as well as spiritual virtues,” said Munthali.

He added: “We will obey the Lord God at any cost even as we condemn homosexuality (along with all other sinful acts) in the strongest biblical terms as possible for as long as we live. Homosexuality is sin and it must be regarded, avoided and condemned as such!

“Let the general public know that God loves His people but He will not condon evil nor please those who practice it, let alone under the pretexts of ‘freedom’ & ‘human rights’. Who is man to begin redefining what is right and what is wrong other than what the Lord already defined for us from time immemorial! God forbid..!”.

Recently well-known musician and Member of Parliament for Balaka Lucius Banda ended his show prematurely in Mangochi over gay men who were kissing in front of patrons.

Banda said he is a Christian and cannot tolerate homosexuals in the country.

Meanwhile Centre for for the Development of the People (CEDEP) Gift Trapence has on several times defended homosexuality in the country.

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