Livingstonia CCAP Synod has threatened to exhume the remains of the heroine Rose Chibambo if the government does not show any commitment to build a mausoleum within a space of one year on the site.

The Synod’s General Secretary Levi Nyondo sounded the warning on Saturday during the burial ceremony of late Chibambo at a new Heroes Acre in Mzuzu.

While commending government honouring Chibambo as a true Malawian hero, Nyondo expressed his sadness over government over how burial site of Malawians are been taken care of.

“Experience has taught us that government does not take care of burial sites of acres especially here in the Northern Region. When government gave a burial site for Chihana, we clapped hands but we clapped in vain. Go there and you will cry. Animals are grazing there.

“We are grateful to government for opening a burial site here where Rose Chibambo will be kept. As a synod, we ask you to take care of the place. We shall give you one year and if nothing happens there, the synod has powers to go and exhume her and bury her at Ekwendeni. In the name of Jesus, we will exhume her,” said Nyondo.

On his part, Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera described Chibambo as a fearless leader who believed in leading by example, saying she wholeheartedly dedicated herself to the struggle for Malawi’s political independence.

Chakwera also apologized to Malawians for the hardships that MCP during one Party era posed on Malawians.

Some of the notable figures present at the funeral includes: Dr. Saulosi Chilima who represented President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, opposition People’s Party (PP) Interim President Uladi Mussa, former Vice President Khumbo Hastings Kachali and Christopher Mzomera Ngwira.

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