Former President and People’s Party (PP) founder Dr. Joyce Banda on Saturday January 23, 2016 celebrated 33 years in marriage with Malawi’s former first gentleman Richard Banda S.C while in self-imposed exile.

The two got married in January 23 1983 and together they have eight children, according to a post seen by FaceofMalawi.

Banda said as a family they have all the reasons to thank God for being with them throughout the 33 years in marriage.

“My mother gave us six months to last in this marriage. Today 33 years later, I have too much to thank God for.

“In 33 years I have seen 8 of our children graduate from university. Four of those with Masters Degrees and one medical doctor. We have slept in a village in a house without windows and we have slept in a palace. We have sat on a mat in a very remote village with the poorest family and we have been to Buckingham Palace,” wrote Banda

She added: “I have spoken at a village gathering, preached at a church, spoken at the United Nations and given lectures at distinguished institutions of higher learning such as The London School of Economics and Harvard University. We have been privileged to serve our continent in the positions of Head of State, Chief Justice of our beloved country and a Chief Justice of Swaziland and in my case Chair of SADC.”

Banda also said within 33 years of marriage she has worn 15 International Awards and 2 Honorary Doctorate Degrees while her husband has been appointed A Bencher of Greys Inn and served as Chair of Commonwealth Judges & Magistrates Association twice.

“We thank god that we have been blessed with 14 grandchildren,” said Banda.

Banda described as her Anchor, confidant and best friend.

“We have celebrated weddings, graduation and happy events together and we have mourned the death of our loved ones together. We have rejoiced when all was well and stood together when they were not,” said Banda.

Added Banda: “I have no doubt that my Mother looks down at us and what we have been able to achieve with great pride. I thank our families who have supported us throughout the 33 years. Thank you all for your continued support.”

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