Dust is refusing to settle on the just dropped case where former ruling People’s Party (PP) Spokesperson Ken Msonda was being accused of inciting people to kill homosexuals.

Msonda through his official Facebook page described gays and lesbian people as “worse than dogs” and called for them to be killed.

The development did not please gay rights defenders Timothy Mtambo of Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) and Cedep Executive Director Gift Trapence who dragged Msonda to Court, accusing him of inciting violence against homosexuals contrary to section 124 of the country’s Penal Code.

The case was on Thursday dropped by Blantyre Senior Resident Magistrate Peter Kandulu following an application made by Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Mary Kachale asking for the discontinuance of the case in pursuant to Section 77 (2) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Code.

But in what can be described as a dramatic turn of events, Msonda has accused Mtambo and Trapence of trying to solicit money from donors over the case.

Speaking in an interview with one of the local media house (MIJ FM Good morning Malawi programme), Msonda said he never incited people to kill gays and lesbians in the country but he was just following what gay people asked for.

“Mtambo and Trapence sued me because they wanted money from donors and I don’t regret saying this,” said Msonda.

Msonda hailed Malawians for strongly denouncing homosexuals practice in the country.

On his part, Mtambo trashed Msonda’s remarks.

Mtambo said currently the two CSOs are waiting for an explanation from Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Mary Kachale on why the case has been dropped to map the next course of action.

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