Pope Francis met Tuesday with Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, the latest sign of Iran’s improving ties in the West as years of sanctions fall away.

The two said they discussed the problems in the region, a reference to the wars in Iraq and Syria. The pope has made pleas for peace in both conflicts, while Iran is deeply involved in supporting the embattled governments in both countries.

This was the first meeting between a pope and an Iranian head of state since 1999, which was the last time an Iranian leader toured Europe. Iran was increasingly sanctioned by the West over its nuclear program, but many of those restrictions fell away on Jan. 16 under the terms of the nuclear deal Iran signed last year with six world powers.

A report from NPR’s Sylvia Poggioli states:

The meeting lasted 40 minutes — long by Vatican standards — and a Holy See statement described it as cordial.
It said the pope and Rouhani spoke of their common spiritual values and the good relations between the Holy See and Iran.
They discussed the deal Tehran reached with world powers to limit its nuclear activities in exchange for an end to economic sanctions.
And the statement stressed what it called the relevant role Iran is called on to play to promote suitable political solutions to the problems afflicting the Middle East, to counter the spread of terrorism and arms trafficking.
As he left, Rouhani borrowed from the pope one of his signature remarks, asking him, “Please pray for me.”
Francis thanked him for the visit and said, “I hope for peace.”

The Vatican has had diplomatic ties with Tehran from before the 1979 Islamic revolution. They’ve grown even stronger under Francis, who is keen on conflict resolution and mediation.

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