Police in Zomba have arrested a 22-year- old housemaid allegedly for concealing a birth.

Dorica Yotamu of Savala Village in the area of Traditional Authority Mwambo was arrested after being reported to have thrown a newly born baby she had just given birth to into a septic tank.

Police Spokesperson in the district confirmed that Yotamu was arrested at Domasi College of Education campus where she was working as a housemaid to a Mrs. Mercy Maduka.

‘’Facts are that, we had a report from Mrs. Mercy Maduka who stays at Domasi College of Education that her housemaid had concealed an eight-month pregnancy birth, ‘’said Patricia Sipiliano.

According to Mrs Maduka, the maid was suspected to have been pregnant for the past months and she admitted upon being asked.

On February 3, 2016, Mrs. Maduka had information that there was blood in her housemaid’s room and she rushed to see but found out that the house had already been cleaned.

At around 6:30 PM, she was also told by neighbours that there was a baby in a septic tank close to her house and she went and saw the baby in the tank.

She reported the matter to Domasi Police Station who came to rescue the baby but died upon arrival at Domasi Rural Hospital and the remains were buried close to the health facility.

After investigations, police arrested Yotamu and she reportedly admitted to have committed the offence, saying she decided to throw the baby in the septic tank after giving birth.

Sipiliano said the suspect would appear in court soon to answer the charge of concealing birth.mana

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