Former Justice Minister Raphael Kasamaba’s bail has been restored by the High Court in the capital Lilongwe following the resumption of the shooting case of former Budget Director Paul Mphwiyo today.

The High Court Judge Michael Mtambo revoked Kasambara’s bail late last year on the grounds that he was threat to him.

The development led to the rearrests of Kasambara and was being remanded at Maula prison where he was operating from.

Delivering his ruling today after former People’s Party (PP) Vice President Brown Mpinganjira testified in the case where he denied threatening Mphwiyo to issue payments, Mtambo said since the State prosecutors have finished parading their witnesses in the case, the defendants will not interfere with them and it was only justified to grant them bail.

The second accused Macdonald Kumwembe has also been granted bail.

Mphwiyo’s shooting on September 13, 2013 led to the revelations of massive looting of public funds at Capitol Hill dubbed cashgate.

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