Kasungu First Grade Magistrate Court has today sentenced Patrick Mwale, aged 28 to 11 years jail term for defiling a 12 year old imbecile girl. This occurred on 16 January, 2016 at St. Joseph Garden.

On the said day the victim was coming from the market when she met the suspect who enticed her to have sex with him. He promised the victim to give her K5000 after. The victim concented and the suspect slept with her.

“After sleeping with her, the suspect did not give her the promised money. When she was coming out from the bush it is when other girls saw her and upon being confronted she revealed the story to them who quickly reported the matter to police,” said the police

Patrick Mwale was arrested and first appeared before court on 27th January 2016 where he denied the charge. After the state had paraded its witnesses, he was found guilty as charged.

State Prosecutor Inspector Mkandawire of Kasungu Police Station requested First Grade Magistrate Damiano Banda to give Mwale a stiff sentence as his conduct proved his lack of moral sense.

Mkandawire bemoaned Mwale’s behaviour and further said the way he behaved towards the victim clearly showed his lack of humanity, hence he deserved a stiff sentence.

Before giving the sentence, Banda supported Mkandawire’s call as he said such conduct cannot be tolerated in our societies. He then slapped Mwale with a 11 year jail term.

Mwale comes from Chirombo village, Traditional Authority Chimaliro in Thyolo district.

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