A ten member gang of robbers on Thursday attacked a businessman in Machinjiri Area2 where they went away with cash amounting to over MK3 million.

The incident happened near Luwanda market at around 6 pm after the thieves blocked the car of the victim as he was trying to make his way home.

The robbed man identified as James Mbomuwa told the Malawi News Agency that the ten robbers had a gun and panga knifes.

“I was on my way home at around 6pm when I was attacked 200 meters away from my home. At a corner before I reached home I found a car well parked in the middle of the road which I normally use when going to my house.

“I was forced to stop because the road was blocked and immediately ten men from the vehicle surrounded my car and started breaking glasses demanding that I move out of the car.

“For fear of being killed I moved out of the vehicle, thereafter they told me to open the boot of where the money was kept,” said Mbomuwa.

According to the victim, the robbers took the money and keys for his car such that he was stranded after the robbers had gone.

Added Mbomuwa; “It was as if I was dreaming because the whole process took less than 5 minutes. It seems they already planned for it and they know me because last year thieves had also broken into my office thinking that they would find money.

One of the eye witnesses, Maxwell Kameza who saw the incident happening said he was completely shocked because he had seen the robbers car parked for at least an hour without knowing the owners had ill intentions.

“I was thought people in the car were waiting for someone. In fact my friends and I wanted to intervene but from a distance we were told by the robbers not to come any closer otherwise they would shoot us,” he said.

Blantyre Police Assistant Publicist, Andrew Mayawo said the police has received a complaint on the matter but said could not divulge more information for fear of jeopardizing the ongoing investigations.

Mayawo said possibilities are there that the robbers will be brought to book.

He however assured Blantyre residents that police are doing all they can to protect people and property.

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