President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has appealed to African Development Bank (AfDB) to resume budgetary support to Malawi, saying the only reliable method of support to a developing country is aid.

The appeal comes barely months when Mutharika openly told Malawians that time for donor dependence are over.

Mutharika made the appeal at Sanjika Palace in the capital Lilongwe when he hosted AfDB executive directors.

“It is our conviction that Malawi needs pro-growth support. It is my Government’s commitment that we set the foundation of weaning the country from aid dependence to ensure that we are truly independent. However, that dream will not be possible without support from institutions like the Bank,” said Mutharika

He added: “I, therefore, invite the bank to partner with us by not only bringing the much needed resources on the table but ideas too. Of course, I am aware that the Bank is already interested in this area”.

The ADB team, which is being led by Dr. Mohamed Zaghloul, was in the country to among other things assess progress of projects funded by the institution.

President Mutharika commended the ADB for the current support of $26 million to Malawi under health and education thematic areas. He further expressed trust in the bank’s policy of aligning its support to the priorities of the Government.

The history of development cooperation between the Bank and Malawi dates back to June 1969. The Bank’s portfolio in Malawi is currently valued at over US$1 billion, including regional operations such as the Lilongwe West By-Pass under the Nacala Corridor Development Project.

Over the years, the African Development Bank has proven to be highly responsive to Africa’s evolving development, regional and continental integration challenges and needs.

In Malawi, the Bank has been providing support to various sectors and thematic areas, such as health, agriculture, water, irrigation, transport, education, as well as public finance management.

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