Police and divers in Nkhata Bay District are searching for a form two student of St Augustine Community Day Secondary School who went missing on Sunday afternoon on Lake Malawi.

Speaking in an Interview with Malawi News Agency Mana on Monday, Nkhata Bay Police Spokesperson, Sergeant Ignatius Esau, said Mc Molly Mpuma aged 15 together with his friends went to fish on Lake Malawi on Sunday, 27th March, 2016.

“Benedicto Kachipapa aged 32 reported to police that his younger brother, Mc Molly Mpuma, a form 2 student at St Augustine CDSS, went missing after going to the lake for fishing,” explained Sergeant Esau.

The police spokesperson said it was on Sunday at around 3:30 in the afternoon that Mc Molly together with his friends went to the said lake for fishing at Butterfly Lodge and met his fate.

“Whilst there, he wanted to shift from where he sat to where his friends were seated. As he was jumping from one rock to the other, he lost balance and fell into the water and went missing,” said Esau.

The matter was then reported to police who, in collaboration with divers from Aqua Africa, launched a search to find the missing boy but couldn’t and have not yet found him.

“We are still searching for the missing boy together with our colleagues from Aqua Africa until we find the boy,” Sergeant Esau said.

In a related development, Moffat Kaunda aged 20 and epileptic, died suddenly on Saturday at around 6 O’clock in the evening after he drowned into Gomo River at Kabila Village in Traditional Authority Malanda in the district.

“On Saturday, Kaunda who was epileptic went to Gomo River for bathing. Whilst there, he suddenly fell into the river after being overtaken by his epilepsy and drowned,” the police said.

After the matter was reported to police, the latter visited the scene of accident together with the medical personnel. The postmortem conducted showed Kaunda had died due to suffocation.

“As police we say there was no foul play. But we are just urging members of the general public to avoid allowing people with epilepsy to go on their own to lakes or rivers to avoid incidents of drowning,” Sergeant Esau appealed.

Mc Molly Mpuma hailed from Mkuli Village in the area of Traditional Authority Kabunduli in Nkhata Bay District.

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