Well-known hip-hop singer Fredokiss has come out of his cocoon to trash a song by popular gospel musician David Kalirani ‘Osaopa’ attacking prophet Shepherd Bushiri of Enlighten Christian Gathering (ECG) church that he is a Satanist, saying every pastor is a human being with short falls.

Kalirani’s song exposes Bushiri’s evil things and the song has attracted tension on the social media especially on Facebook with other people describing it as a hit of the moment.

The song also comes amid speculations that Bushiri has hand in the mysterious death of popular gospel musician Grace Chinga.

Writing on his official Facebook page, Fredokiss, real name Penjani Kalua said Kalirani as a Christian Rapper should be exemplary to others, saying attacking men of God in music won’t help matters at all.

“Are you saying we should start attacking and castigating them in songs? Are you giving us that permission?

“SHOW ME A PASTOR WHO IS NOT A SINNER. Above all show me a saint amongst us. For me this David Kalirani guy should be exemplary as a Christian Rapper or whatever you call him. I thought spiritual battles are fought in prayer?,” wrote Fredokiss.

He added: “If you think just because you are my fan then you should force me to accept your opinions and mediocrity then think again. I don’t force you to accept my opinions, those who will make it to heaven will make it as individuals by Hiss grace.”

Kalua added that whatever Kalirani said in the song is unchristian and he owes him no any apology.

“AM SAYING IT AGAIN, WHAT HE DID IS UNCHRISTIAN according to my understanding of the BIBLE and am not apologetic unless the word ”GOSPEL” has changed its meaning.

“Some of you are saying am after miracle money, NTCHANA! Ask about me, I made my first million at the age of 23, I work hard, I don’t sleep when most of you are sleeping and I dont party when most of u are partying,” said Fredokiss.


Meanwhile Bushiri has said he is not shaken with what people out there are saying.

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